TROVA il tuo viaggio ideale!
TROVA il tuo
viaggio ideale!
Giorni in bici

L’estremo Nord dell’Olanda

"a wonderful holiday with so many wonderful memories and photographs!"

....I shall definitely return to visit another area of your wonderful country using Dutch Bike Tours. Your hotel choices were excellent and the hospitality and foods provided were exceptional. 
The daily distances you had planned suited me fine as I was then able to explore my destinations after an early afternoon arrival and before the evening meal.
I finally understood your cycle route markings after you provided me with the little numbered sheets in my welcoming pack that I received in the envelope at my first hotel.
Thanks for providing me with a wonderful holiday with so many wonderful memories and photographs....

Antiche città olandesi

"Wunderschöne Radtour!"

....Wir waren mit der Tour sehr zufrieden. Der Gepäcktransport hat wunderbar funktioniert. [...]

La terra dei tulipani

"We really enjoyed our holiday"

...The bikes and hotels were all great and I'm sure we will be back one day. One thing I think you could improve on are the maps from Casa 400 hotel to get to the first numbered cycle route. The photocopy maps were very difficult to follow and the road names too small to read. Hope you don't take this as a criticism as we really had a fab time. Many thanks for all the organising... [...]

La terra dei tulipani

"The best holidays my wife and I have had"

....Thank you for your e mail and we are very grateful for the cycling holiday you prepared for us in Holland, which was one of the best holidays my wife and I have had!We had never been on a biking holiday before, and we appreciated the fresh air, the easy cycling and we found your bikes of the highest quality (much better than our own bikes at home! We wondered whether we could get similar ones for ourselves here in the UK?).The routes you choose were really nice, and we appreciated being able to spend the extra night in each hotel so we could explore the cities of Amsterdam, Harlem and Leiden, going to various museums, art galleries, churches and concerts etc, not forgetting the wonderful Keukenhof.Again we would like to thank you for your prompt and efficient dealing with all our enquiries and arranging such a lovely holiday for us. [...]

I Polders: un tour impegnativo

"Holland hat mir sehr gefallen"

....Danke. Ich hatte eine sehr gute, unfallfreie Woche mit einem bequemen Bike.Alle Reservationen haben geklappt und das Gepäck war immer rechtzeitig im Hotel und das GPS hat funktioniert.Die Reise durch Holland hat mir sehr gefallen. [...]

La Penisola dell’Olanda del Nord

"we enjoyed our holiday"

....We have just completed Holland Highlights Cycle Tour. Firstly we would like to say how much we enjoyed our holiday and would love to do another some time. Thank you for the information that you provided. The acommodation was excellent. On our last day - Alkmaar to Amsterdam; we followed the route intersection numbers provided with the Knooppunter (an brilliant idea by the way) but this did not take us to the dunes on the North Sea Coast. [...]

Spiagge e città

"All went well many thanks"

....All went well many thanks. GPS was invaluable as through cities, like Amsterdam, the cycle route signs were not consistent and we needed the GPS. I would suggest you advise anyone who thinks they dont need it/can manage with Google maps on an iPad that their routes arent good enough. [...]

Le perle dei Paesi Bassi

"We had a lovely holiday"

...We liked that the hotels were all in the centre of town, and it was easy to get out for a walk and see the sights once we had dropped off the bikes. Our baggage was always delivered to the hotel on time for our arrival, and some of the hotels were even kind enough to have placed our bags up in the room ready for us.  The bikes were great quality, and we had no trouble navigating once we had worked out the junction system on the first day. [...]

L’estremo Nord dell’Olanda

"Hemos tenido unas vacaciones estupendas, ¡Gracias!"

Hemos tenido unas vacaciones estupendas, ¡Gracias!Todos los hoteles eran fantásticos, especialmente el Grand Hotel Alkmar y el Hotel Medemblik. Nos ha gustado mucho el hecho de que todos los hoteles se encontraran en el centro, facilitando así dar un paseo y visitar las zonas más típicas una vez bajados de la bici. [...]

L’estremo Nord dell’Olanda

"Abbiamo avuto una vacanza splendida, grazie!"

....Abbiamo avuto una vacanza splendida, grazie!
Gli hotel erano tutti perfetti, soprattutto il Grand Hotel Alkmar e l’Hotel Medemblik: abbiamo apprezzato molto il fatto che tutti gli hotel erano a centro città, ed era facile e comodo per noi uscire a fare una passeggiata a vedere le attrazioni dei vari luoghi dopo che avevamo finito il giro. 
I nostri bagagli sono stati consegnati agli hotel successivi in tempo ed alcuni hotel sono stati particolarmente gentili nel portare le nostre valigie già in camera. 
Le bici erano ottime e non abbiamo avuto alcun problema nel seguire le indicazioni una volta capito come funziona la segnaletica il primo giorno.
Comodissimi erano gli incroci sul portacartine, e grazie a questi e alle mappe, non abbiamo avuto bisogno di guardare spesso le indicazioni stradali, per quanto dettagliate.
Ci sono piaciute in modo particolare i giri il giorno 1 (da Alkmaar a Hoorn), il giorno 2 (da Hoorn a Medemblik) e 4 (da Den Halder a Alkmaar).
Gli highlight del viaggio sono stati la pedalata lungo la diga tra Enzhuizen e Mdemblik, e quella lungo la costa attraverso le dune e i campi di tulipani da Den Halder ad Alkmaar.
Alkmaar, Hoorn e Medemblik sono villaggi splendidi per una sosta.
Questo è stato il primo viaggio in bici che abbiamo fatto ed è stato perfetto per noi, grazie agli ottimi percorsi prevalentemente pianeggianti e alle distanze non eccessive da pedalare ogni giorno. E’ stata un’esperienza magnifica e sicuramente faremo altri viaggi con la vostra compagnia in futuro....

L’estremo Nord dell’Olanda

"a lovely holiday"

....We had a lovely holiday, thank you.The hotels were all great - especially nice were the Grand Hotel Alkmaar, and the Hotel Medemblik. We liked that the hotels were all in the centre of town, and it was easy to get out for a walk and see the sights once we had dropped off the bikes. [...]

La terra dei tulipani

"De Tulpen tour was mooi"

...De Tulpen tour was mooi, voor zover het weer meedeed - en dat deed het zo nu en dan niet; de wind was gedeeltelijk zèèr krachtig. Maar dat staat niet in de verantwoording van Dutch Biketours. De hotels waren goed gekozen, en het personeel was uitbundig vriendelijk en behulpzaam; daarvoor onze dank en erkenning.In sommige gevallen ontbraken op de wegen de knooppuntnummers, vooral dan ook op plaatsen waar je een keuze had om rechtdoor te gaan of afteslaan. [...]

Il cuore verde dell’Olanda

"a really great holiday"

....We had a really great holiday despite getting very lost on the first day (Bunnik to Amsterdam).  Some of the green and white signs had been painted over, moved or turned around.  However, the maps and paperwork you provided were really helpful and informative enabling us to get to the hotel.The hotels were excellent; great rooms, fantastic customer service and good food (especially in the Hotel Casa 400 in Amsterdam). The electric bike was very good quality and my husband enjoyed riding it. [...]

L'Olanda del tempo che fu

"Your bike culture is simply amazing"

...My son and I just finished our Holland Highlights bike tour and we thoroughly enjoyed ourselves! Your bike culture is simply amazing. [...]

I Polders: un tour impegnativo

"I would recommend Dutch Bike Tours to other cyclists"

.... Sorry I have taken awhile to respond to your email.  We had a wonderful cycle in your wonderful country, certainly windier than we had expected, but great training for our "Tour de France" trip.
We would make sure we had GPS for any further trips, some of the towns were very difficult to navigate eg Amsterdam, The Hague.  When you are on the bike it is pretty difficult to read directions as you ride through busy streets.  
Apart from this, some days we rode many miles more than necessary, we had a wonderful holiday.  I would recommend Dutch Bike Tours to other cyclists....

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