TROVA il tuo viaggio ideale!
TROVA il tuo
viaggio ideale!
Giorni in bici

Escursioni da Rotterdam

...The Hotel New York was excellent and let us store the bikes indoors where we felt they were very safe. The countryside was very scenic and we enjoyed Delft, Gouda and Dordrecht. We never went to Hoek van Holland due to weather but were able to spend a lovely day in Rotterdam...    [...]

Ricordando le diligenze

...The trip provided good riding length on all days except the last which was a bit short. and over too quickly. However this was a day when we stopped at the military cemetery and airborne museum outside Arnhem that the route passed directly beside. [...]

Dune e Canali

...liked the route along the coast and beside the zee...

Bruges - Amsterdam

...Routenbeschreibungen nicht immer ganz up-to-date, Fehler in der Nummerierung (z. B. auf der letzten Etappe nach dem Fährübergang). [...]

Bruges - Amsterdam

...Die Touren durch sie sind die best dokumentierten Routen, die wir je gemacht haben...

L'Olanda del tempo che fu

...Einfach GENIAL. Natürlich hatte ich auch mit dem Wetter Glück. Der Regen kam fast nie, die Temperatur war super. [...]

Rotta Sud in bici e barca

...The level of difficulty was fine, although some days we would have liked longer to see the the beautiful scenery and towns that we cycled through. This may, however, be a comment on the speed of our cycling! Overall the variety of experiences and scenery, making each day different, was well thought planned...   [...]

Escursioni da Rotterdam

...Hotel New York war sehr schön!...

Amsterdam - Parigi

...Het was een magnifieke reis, waar wij intensief van hebben genoten. Schitterende tocht door prachtige landschappen en interessante steden. In Noord Frankrijk licht heuvelachtig, maar niet zwaar. [...]

Escursioni intorno ad Amsterdam, 5 giorni

...Die Route nach Volendam war besonders schön, da eine Überfahrt mit einer Fähre inkludiert war und eine nette Abwechslung darstellte. Das Hotel war super! Das Essen lecker. [...]

Amsterdam - Bruges

...Beautiful scenery particularly during the first three days and into Bruges. Depending on the time of year Bruges to Amsterdam may have the wind at your back... 

Nel cuore dell’Olanda

...Overall a lovely holiday. We will definitely do another trip. I wanted to see more canals and old towns - and we achieved that, but on balance I preferred the beautiful forests near Arnhem which we did last year... [...]

L'Olanda del tempo che fu

...We really enjoyed Haarlem, and also the journey between Zaandam and Volendam - “the best playground in the world” according to my children!...

Amsterdam - Bruges

...It was wonderful trip through the netherlands countryside and old charming towns. I love that we could explore and bike at our own pace (also far cheaper than the guided tours). It was nice that all hotels seemed happy to see you (used to dealing with bikes, luggage, etc). [...]

Tour di undici città della Frisia

...Bikes were a bit tired. Mudguards were either loose or broken. This was our first trip with Dutch Bike Tours. [...]
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